Pregame: Mood of the day -- nervous/cautiously optimistic.. The boys who don the winged wheel are on the edge. A whisper thin line between series sweep and utter collapse.. The 2-0 series lead is about as safe as the 2 goal game lead.. DET wins tonight and you can talk about a short series.. Lose and its 'here we go again'.. Two games of absolute domination have been tempered by an outstanding performance by Kipper and horrible play by the rest of the Flames.. If CAL continues to take penalties and refuses to put shots on Hasek DET should have a commanding lead by this time tomorrow.. I am left wondering how DET would do if they fell behind tonight early or played most of the game tied? I am going with the sweater and 2 days facial hair again.. Why fix what is not broken?
Postgame: mood -- tired and impressed.. I really hate these west coast series.. This was an incredibly played playoff game on both ends.. I have been waiting for YEARS to see a DET hockey team play like that.. The pace was incredible.. The hitting was thunderous.. Yeah the wrong team was on the winning end, but they deserved it.. The only thing I am upset about is that I was robbed of an OT by Flop Boy misplaying Iginlas goal.. Don't get me wrong, Big Jarome deserved to have the game winner.. He really showed some sac by coming out playing dominating style that we are used to seeing.. But COME ON!! Flop Boy was cheating that shot so bad I could have thrown a curling stone by him on the far post..
I think Phaneuf is still seeing stars after that hit Cleary put on him (could have easily been called a penalty though).. And then to get up and set up Drapers goal.. Cleary and Drapes were absolute studs tonight..
Who the hell was giving out stars tonight that they gave Lombardi the 1st star and Iginla the 3rd (after scoring the game winner)? Game winner ALWAYS gets the first star, Mike Rogers of The Fan 960 (radio guys are idiots).
You think there might have been some home cooking on the ice tonight, or is that just par for the course when Bill McCreary is officiating a Wings game? 5 penalties in a row? Love the Calder phantom GT interference.. Oh wait, I think Markov was just called again.. Trashcan!!
Final CAL 3 - DET 2
Next game: Thursday at 9:30 on CBC, VS, FSN
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